Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us."  James 1:27

James is one of my favorite books.  Short, simple, practical rules for life.  We are taught by the apostle Paul that our salvation is by faith alone, a free gift and not by works.  James adds that good works will follow true faith.  We are each called for different works according to our gifts and talents.  I hate to think how many times I missed an opportunity that God was showing me.  Several years ago I made a decision to live more intentionally for Him.  I decided to pay closer attention to the needs of those around me and take advantage of opportunities He placed in front of me.  Right away He showed me children in need.  Children of different ages, different races, different needs and abilities.  Love...that's what they need.  I can do that!  Homeless kids in the city, teenagers in my community.  I don't really think of myself as a "kid person" so that wouldn't have been my first guess as to what He would ask of me.  Now I see that he was readying me for this adoption.  I'm sure you've heard it and it's true: "He doesn't call the equipped, He epuips the called." 

It's so much more comfy to stay in our own little world and take care of our own little business and not pay attention to what's going on around us.  That's not living our faith.  Not listening so we don't have to know is not living our faith.  If we listen, we will know.  If we know, we must act.  "Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and not do it."  James 4:17.

That leads me back to our sweet Kell.  He told us, we knew, we knew He knew that we knew, so here we are...SO HAPPY TO BE HERE!!!

What is He calling you to do?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Waiting Patiently and Trusting

Waiting patiently...not really my thing!  I am a planner, a doer, a list maker.  I love to make a list and mark off a task when done.  If I do something that's not on my list, I will write it there just so I can mark it off!  There's probably a diagnosis for that!  So, here I am, a planner, dealing with a lack of control.  I bet this whole adoption thing would go faster if they'd let me be in charge!!

We received our appointment date for biometric fingerprinting.  Yeah!  Movement!  We've not been forgotten and lost in the system!  A long wait for that appointment...but it's out there!

God has proven over and over to me that he is in control and his timing is always is perfect.  He's proven it and he tells me in his word...
Proverbs 3:5  Trust in the lord with all your heart...
Psalms 37:3  Trust in the Lord...
Psalms 37:7  Be still in God's presence and wait patiently...
Isaiah 1:19  Obey me and let me help you....

And so I will wait patiently knowing that we are in his "good and perfect plan".  The day will be chosen by God and the timing will be just perfect...I will mark off my list "bring Kell home".

We have new pictures!  Take a look...