Sunday, November 20, 2011

China's History and Beauty

The weather in Guangzhou today was perfect!  We were glad to see it after of couple of mist and humidity. Today we visited the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall and the Botanical Garden.  We learned much about China's history and present government from our guide.  Again today, Mills and Burke were popular with the locals.  I should start charging for having pictures made with my white boys!  We enjoy just taking in the sights and sounds of everyday life here.

Our sweet Kell continues to settle in with us.  He is catching on so fast!  He picks up a little more English each day.  Today he brought the English newspaper to me and pointed out letters and their sounds.  I can't wait to see how he really takes off once we're home.

This boy LOVES his's just the most precious thing!  He likes his people around.  If we could all be holding hands everywhere we'd go, that's how he would have it.  Soon enough he'll get it...that we're with him forever.  For now we're enjoying all this togetherness.  He's such a little love I could eat him with a spoon!  Can't wait for you all to meet him!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures...the botanical garden was one of my favorite spots we visited while in is beautiful...your right kell will understand soon that he's a berry forever not just a week or month but FoReVeR...we can't wait to meet kell.

    see you next saturday...enjoy your last week in china
