Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Zoo Day...

The boys and I went to the zoo with our big group today while Doug stayed at the hotel to work.  Guangzhou has a beautiful zoo.  The animal enclosures are not so big that you cannot see the the animals like we experience at our zoo at home.  We had a great time!  Sadly, the most memorable event of the day is when a lion backed up to a huge group of our kids and sprayed them with "territory marker"!  It was completely disgusting and all were practically bathed with hand sanitizer and baby was all we had.  Thankfully, the Berry boys were lagging behind and were spared!   

 It was really hot and all the walking tired us out!  We are back at the hotel for a short rest before we go to apply for Kell's passport.  Mills and Burke are doing homework.  Kell and I will be working on a few alphabet letters.  Must turn the computer back over to the working man.  Just wanted to share some pictures!


  1. No doubt that those brothers are meant to be together!!!! What a fantastic addition to your (already beautiful) family. wish i were in the states to welcome you home when you return!

  2. LoVe...lOvE...they look like they've been brother forever....can't wait to meet kell and hear all about your trip.

    love you girly
