Monday, November 14, 2011

He's HERE :-)

This is Amy here...I got a text from Shannan because their internet is down and she can not is basically what she said:

*He came to them wearing girl shorts, pink shoes and socks carrying a gift bag with his belongings (they immediately went to the shoe store and got him new shoes...)
*He knew all of their names
*He immediately grabbed Shannan's hand and said "Soba!"  which means "lets go"
*She said he is doing awesome, he is very happy not shy at all and very chatty and that she wished she knew what he was saying!
*He can sing his ABC's and can count
*She said he is TINY (all his clothes she brought are too big)..full of energy and laughs
*He chatters in Mandarin and bosses Shannan around...she is letting him the first day and the word NO starts tomorrow :-)
*Rebecca warned her bed time may be rough...i haven't heard from Shannan since the afternoon there so I don't know how bedtime went
*she said to tell everyone their first day with him was GREAT!...
Thanks for the prayers and keep them coming!....


  1. Hope you all have a wonderful trip and pray the transition is peaceful and easy:) He is a doll:)

  2. Praise God! Can't wait to see all the pics and hope that their first night together is a peaceful one.
