Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Getting to Know Him....

Everyday that I spend with Kell I learn more and more about him...and I love him more and more!  I don't know how that is even possible!  I sincerely enjoy his company and our time together before he is off to school.  As his English gets better he is able to tell me more how he feels and even about his life in China.  It's very broken English and charades but he is so happy to get to communicate and is anxious to learn more and more.  He gets so excited when his teacher comes over and they go to school in the basement.  Here he is with Mrs. Phillips and Brittany, our favorite babysitter.  They gave him this huge Panda and he LOVES it!  Peter Panda is his name. 

Yesterday he brought to me the shirt I was wearing on "gotcha day" and was able to tell me about what he did that day leading up to our reunion and how happy he was.  Wow!  Tears of happiness as I told him what a happy day it was for me, of the happiest of my life.  "Jesus, Kell's fanimy (family), come here (pointing to the ground) forebber (forever)."  Yes, Kell, to God be the glory!

In other news, Kell is very slowly learning to eat what we eat.  I am figuring out what he likes and try to make it for him.  I can at least help him out on the noodle front, right?  I have stocked up on scented candles as most of what he likes smells, well, offensive.  Boiled eggs, fish and more fish, seaweed.  Now and then I cheat with not homemade Chinese.  That's hit and miss.  This one, however, got the thumbs up from our Asian Sensation...and no preservatives or MSG.  Thank you, Annie Chun!

Play Doh has made a come back at the Berry's...

School is out and my house is full of boys of all sizes and I. LOVE. IT.  Messy, smelly, loud, constantly eating....

Mills and his buds decided to take a polar bear swim today...add "wet" to that list of boy adjectives!

We're doing fine...really incredibly good!  Kell likes to cook and shop...

...and find a free neck massage while shopping...AHH!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. isn't it amazes how God allows our hearts to know no boundaries when it comes to His children....we have something for kell from emma lael, we need to bring if over soon

